About me
I like to be the spark that ignites the vision in people, leaders and teams, to reach the potential you cannot dare to aspire. I like to be the challenger of transformation that leaders choose together with their teams. I like to contribute to creating a shared vision of the entire organization and this to become the “conspiracy” that makes you change the present reality – your commitment will make journey a learning one!
I like to accompany you on the path you choose to put into practice new behaviours, new different strategies that you might otherwise ignored or would have said about “that doesn’t work here!”. And finally, I like to look at how you work together and tell myself “I knew they were worth the trust“. I like to see the joy on your faces and the satisfaction that you will always find ways to learn together: how to be better, how to achieve ambitious results, how to be more innovative, more agile or perhaps more demanding in your collaboration. Together.
Do you trust youself enought to reinvent yourself? Can Executive Coaching accompany you make the leap to your desired level of leadership? I believe that YES, IT CAN! Executive Coaching or 1-on-1 coaching for directors, managers, entrepreneurs who are committed to challenging themselves to lead according to their potential.
Face-to-face, over the phone or Skype, periodically or whenever you need, for a few minutes, one or a few hours, you are setting the context and rhythm that best serves you.
Do you think your team can achieve higher results with less effort? Can Team Coaching change team dynamics to increase measurable performance? I believe YES, IT CAN! Team coaching is a process that puts members in front of a commitment to a vision, a common aspiration.
This commitment will be the framework within which the team will put new strategies into practice, different behaviours, different operating modes to achieve new, relevant and sustainable results.
I started my coaching activity in 2007 and since then I am the coaching partner for executives, directors, managers, entrepreneurs as well as management teams, sales teams, procurement teams, finance and logistics, teams of ambitious cross-cutting projects, organizations and departments, to achieve the results they really want.
I am quoting what a client has shared with me through coaching projects developed together:
“Every time I appreciated the attitude well-anchored in reality, the ability to highlight concrete situations that our fear of change made us not address. Working with Rodica is not easy, it’s not always pleasant, but it has to be like that because it constantly challenges us to change and invites us to see reality as it is. Throughout our coaching interaction, we have come to the conclusion that if we continue to hide from the truth, we will not make any changes, we will not progress.
The aspect that we most appreciate in working with Rodica is her ethical, professional behaviour, her character in front of influences. In the process of change, the client will first try to hide, avoid the real effort, apologize, transfer the responsibility to his coach or aggressively blame the coach, as the one who showed him what to do. Rodica keeps her calm and always follows the ethical path.”
My coaching style invites people to the next level, which proves to overcome the limits and obstacles, but also increases the confidence in their own abilities to live the results they really want.
Cristian Ezri
Head of Israeli Desk
“It is a real pleasure to work with Rodica. She is rigorously professional, tough and dedicated in her work but in the same time gentle, open and caring. Her ability to empower her clients with the responsibility for their own growth and development while remaining a strong pillar of support transforms her into a remarkable coach. I highly recommend Rodica for executive and team coaching”
Raluca Bejan
Senior Engineering Manager Adobe
“Working with Rodica is an amazing experience. She has the skills and the right background to guide and inspire people to become better versions of themselves. As the time passed, some ideas\questions emerging in our conversations helped me to figure out a lot of answers, and be more effective and aware, both in personal and professional life. In the same time, she managed to inspire me to ask for more from myself, and in the meanwhile I managed to be more relaxed and spend less time doing all this. I recommend Rodica for her coaching skills and devotion in her work”
Ovidiu Silaghi
Senior Director 3 Pillar Global
“I had the pleasure of working with Rodica for a couple of months. I was pleasantly surprised since our first interaction, given that before starting to work together, Rodica offered me a demo session where she stated clearly that she wants to provide value to her clients. That promise happened not only in the demo session but in each session we had. To give you an example: my measure for a successful session was a clear action plan and at least one AHA moment for me. In each of our sessions, we had clear actions and multiple AHA moments. Rodica is able to guide you with provocative and insightful questions and many times acts like a magic mirror that shows your deepest challenges, feelings, or insights. I've enjoyed and learned a lot from each session we had”
A. Sincan, Plant Director,
Danfoss District Heating
“I would like to recommend Rodica Obancea with whom I worked last year, first as a personal coach and, in the past months, as a coach for the management team. We started to work together 3 months before taking over my new management position and at the end of my working period I managed to achieve all the established goals. The transition to my new position in the organization was smooth and we ended the year with superior results compared to the proposed goals. During our collaboration, Rodica has demonstrated a high professionalism, placing a strong emphasis on results. So, after finalizing my leadership development program, I chose Mrs. Obancea as a coach for the management team in order to strengthen team spirit and improve leadership skills. Being a fine observer, challenging and asking questions, showing a good knowledge and use of coaching skills, Mrs. Obancea has demonstrated the ability to work with different types of personality and also with management teams. Together with the team, we are confident that Mrs. Obancea's coaching program is a real catalyst in our continuous improvement and building process of a strong organization that has set ambitious targets”.
Dr. C. Smith MBA, Country Manager Ewopharma
“I highly recommend Rodica Obancea as an efficient and valuable coach. I was impressed by the dedication, enthusiasm and quality of the collaboration with Rodica. The coaching program has helped me and my team achieve significant business results."
A. Lupan – Director Resurse Umane Actavis
"I have worked with Rodica in several coaching projects, individually and as a group, over the last few years. Every time I appreciated her attitude well-anchored in reality, the ability to highlight concrete situations, which our fear of change made us not to address. Working with Rodica is not easy, it's not always pleasant, but it has to be, because it constantly challenges us to change and we are not invited to see reality as it is. Throughout our coaching interaction, we have come to the conclusion that if we continue to hide from the truth, we will not make any changes, we will not progress. The aspect that we most appreciate in working with Rodica is her ethical, professional behaviour, her character in front of influences. In the process of change, the client will first try to hide, avoid the real effort, apologize, transfer the responsibility to his coach or aggressively blame the coach, as the one who showed him what to do. Rodica keeps her calm and always follows the ethical path. Working with Rodica as a coach, I learned some of the most important lessons: the answer is always with us and we learned that without the power games that bring us stress, we actually have an accomplished organizational life."
Florin Carlig – Adobe Romania
“The coaching sessions with Rodica came as a natural extension of the Leaders' Academy cognition and learning experience and helped me become more aware and understand. Rodica has had a very effective way of pushing me and provoking the goals we have set together. An extremely enjoyable and useful experience that opened my eyes and made me see new perspectives, to have another approach and to develop my learning and interaction style with others. And become more focused and more aligned with what I want ”
Andrei Pitis, Angel Investor
„Rodica is a great value coach. The way she asks questions makes you reconsider your assumptions. This is the determining factor that made me come to her every time I needed coaching, both when I was Country Manager at Ixia and after, as an entrepreneur and an angel investor.”
Senior Engineering Manager multinational IT&C company
“The sessions were an opportunity to see differently the way I had worked and put into practice the notions we only knew theoretically. The coaching sessions helped me identify ways to correct ineffective team patterns and afterwards correct them to get the desired results. I understood that I could take a step back to see how the processes in the team was working and so I could optimize them and lead more efficiently."
Engineering Manager multinational IT&C company
“Through coaching sessions I have gained a professional maturity. I learned to know myself better so that I can control reactions and their implications in daily activities. I succeeded in having a better management for stress and pressure. I made a progress on the emotional side and I learned not to have personal approaches in situations. In the context of the new job, coaching sessions helped cope with the feelings of overwhelming fear, helping me to increase my motivation to perform. I also learned a few ways to coach with my collaborators."
Engineering Manager multinational IT&C company
“The coaching process has had a major impact on my professional life as well as on my personal life. On a professional level, in particular, I have managed to overcome my level of internal knowledge so that I can overcome my own barriers. Together with Rodica, we identified a series of faux pas that we had been doing and during this time we worked on them: the power games/ the non constructive disputes we would enter, the ability to collaborate with authoritarians as well as colleagues, from partner positions, the ability to support / present my point of view even when the environment / interlocutor seemed unfavourable to the ideas I was preparing to expose and, last but not least, the ability to act instead of analysing /comment. For example, the success of my relationship with the current manager is due to the changes I've had in the coaching process. And the most important change I went through the coaching process, both personally and professionally, was that I went from the state of "I expect to ..." in the state "Let me do all I can to do so that what I want can happen."
CT, Category Manager
“I wanted to take part in a coaching program to get rid of the daily wear and tear and build something special, new, to bring my meetings with other people in a less formal framework. It interested me and it seemed very useful to evaluate the leadership styles, from the directive to the delegation and how I could apply it every day. I recommend it to all who want an assessment of leadership capabilities and a positive change in this direction.”
IC, entrepreneur
“Through the coaching program I discovered how I could pursue my goals without deviating from them, I discovered how I could work in my weak points and what my strengths were. Working with Rodica was very enjoyable as she treated the sessions with calm, patience and professionalism.”
AC, entrepreneur
“My experience with Rodica began with a search. My search towards me. Together with Rodica I clarified my goals, I learned that it is important to start with simple things, to persevere even if you are wrong. I have discovered with her help that the results of a team are much higher when people understand and get involved in achieving the goals. The coaching experience has been a step forward and we have found that in a team it is much easier to see the problems of each member and especially to find practical solutions. “
AG, entrepreneur
“My participation in the coaching program has given me the opportunity to meet new people from different fields of activity. To provide and receive support from other team members. It was an opportunity to exchange opinions based on the experience and expertise of each of us. I became aware that there were common problems and concerns. I have set clear goals, learned about myself, and I have left enriched. It was a great experience, garnished with many savoury and often humorous emotional moments!"
CT, Director IT
“I learned to listen again to those around me, to be part of and to contribute to the success of a team, I met people with different concerns different from mine that were working in other fields, I discovered the pleasure of dreaming about big goals and putting them into practice. Perhaps the most important thing gained by participating in this program was to leave the comfort zone "so dear to us" and to actually get to work by materializing, starting and finishing business and personal projects."
Ioana Arsenie
Founder & GM Trusted Advisor & Trusted Apps
“Working with Rodica is a amazing experience...that I continue with me, on my way. After some years, I really appreciate her "independent" position and I love and learn from her confrontation style/method, very efficient for me! I am proud of working with you, Rodi!”

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